Organizing a Bathroom

Keep it Sanitary

Organizing your bathroom can not only make it more functional but also ensure that you’re using safe, effective products. Here’s a guide to help you get started:

  1. Empty and Clean: Begin by emptying out all drawers and shelves. This gives you a chance to thoroughly clean each space, removing dust and any product spills.
  2. Check Expiration Dates: Go through all your beauty products, including makeup, lotions, and nail polishes. Look for expiration dates, which are often indicated by a small jar icon with a number (e.g., 12M for 12 months after opening). If a product doesn’t have a clear date, consider its age and any changes in smell, texture, or color.
  3. Sort and Discard: Discard any products that are past their expiration date. Using expired products can lead to skin irritations or infections, especially with items like mascara and eyeliner.
  4. Categorize Items: Group your items by type – hair care, skin care, makeup, etc. This will make it easier to find what you need and keep track of your inventory.
  5. Use Organizers: Invest in drawer dividers, small bins, or organizers. This helps keep categories separate and prevents items from getting jumbled together.
  6. Label if Necessary: For items that don’t have clear expiration dates, consider using a small sticker to note the date of purchase or opening. This will help you track how long you’ve had each product.
  7. Regular Checks: Make it a habit to go through your bathroom items every 6 months. This not only helps in keeping track of expiration dates but also ensures that you’re not hoarding unnecessary or unused products.
  8. Proper Storage: Store your products in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Heat and humidity can alter the composition of products, leading to quicker degradation.

By following these steps, you can maintain a clean, organized, and safe bathroom environment. Remember, the key is not just organizing but also being mindful of the products you use on your body.

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